Demonetization: A few positive Side-effects


Demonetization: A few positive Side-effects

After decision of Modi Government for Demonetization of Economy,  we are here with a few positive side-effects of the decision.

  • A Rebirth of Values: In recent past few years when the value of money had been decreasing, there was a shift from good values to bad values. We had seen children shifting their old parents to old age homes as they couldn’t take care of them anymore. With demonetization, the love for money is expected to be transferred back in the form of good values.
  • Rebirth of Unity of a joint family: After demonetization, most people will now be equal to each other and the race towards superiority will not be there. In such awesome times, we can see a unity of a joint family coming back in which each person of a family is sympathetically and mentally attached to each another.
  • Show-off will end: People loved to show-off the wealth they had. After demonetization, the tendency to show off will end. All people will be on a similar board.
  • Love Will exist: In the past few years, we have seen that the theory of “Money is God” as true. But after demonetization the love one showers towards you will be real.
  • Plight of the poor could be understood better: In the past few days we have witnessed wealthy people standing in long bank queues to get their currency exchanged. That 3 hours of a queue will give them an understanding of the hardships that are faced by the poor.