English Vocabulary Words 42

english vocabulary words

English Vocabulary Words 42

english vocabulary wordsEnglish Vocabulary is a very important content of competitive exams. In exams like SSC CGL it is one of the most scoring sections.

Here is today’s 10 English words with their meaning, a sentence, antonyms and synonyms. Keep following us for more updates

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Daily English Vocabulary

1. Breezy

Meaning: Having or Showing a cheerful and relaxed manner

Sentence: Although she is generally breezy and cheerful, today she seems to be unusually sullen
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

2. Stricture

Meaning: 1) A restriction on a person or entity
2) a sternly critical or censorious remark or instruction.
Sentence: The stricture on women to worship in a few temples at Maharashtra is rediculous
Antonym and Synonym: Click here

3. Boomerang

Meaning: If a plan boomerangs or somebody, it hurts them instead of the person it was intended to hurt.
Sentence: Much to his dissapointment his plan to harm his opponent boomerang on him
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

4.  Bilious

Meaning:Bad Tempered, Full of Anger
Sentence: being a thoroughly bilious person, he does not get along with anyone.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

5. Approbation

Meaning:Commendtion, Official Approval
Sentence: His flawless speech received widespread approbation.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

6. Animosity

Meaning: 1) Hatred or Strong Dislike
Sentence: She doesn’t nurture any rancor or animosity even aganist those who tried to malgain her.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

7. Clique

Meaning: A small group of people who spend their time together and do not welcome others into their group 
Sentence: The unfriendly clique of male politicians resented the presence of women in the Parliament.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

8. Cloistered

Meaning: Shut away, Secluded
Sentence: After retirement, he is leading a cloistered life
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

9. Coalesce

Meaning: unite, Come together
Sentence: Some atoms coalesce to from molecules.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

10. Churlish

Meaning: : Rude and Bad-tempered
Sentence: I was rather surprised when a polished gentleman like him turned down he invitation in such a churlish manner.
Antonym and Synonym : Click Here

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