Current Affairs 17th November 2018

current affairs

Current Affairs 17th November 2018

Current Affairs 17th November 2018 includes all the top headlines important for all competitive exams including banking exams, SSC, insurance exams, railways etc.


  • Election Commission caps cash expenditure limit to Rs. 10,000 / per day for all candidates contesting in State polls.
  • India hands over E-Rickshas to Senegal, to boost clean energy ties. India will be supplying a total of 250 E-Rickshaws with lithium ion batteries to Senegal on grant basis.
  • The Cyclone Storm “Gaja” hammered the Coastal Tamil Nadu earlier today; killing 20 people. Over 26,000 people have already been evacuated to shelters. The Central Government has assured help in the crisis.


  • Judge orders White House to return press credentials to Jim Acosta.
  • US Vice President Mike Pence says that South China sea doesn’t belong to one nation.


  • Tatas say they are in preliminary talks to purchase hold in Jet Airways. Tata is already has a joint collaboration with Singapore Airlines namely Vistara and a joint collaboration with Air-Asia.
  • Indian central Bank board to discuss surplus funds transfer
  • Government plans 2bn$ worth stake sales in ONGC, IOC, Oil India to meet disinvestment target


  • Google Celebrates 44 years of Arecibo Message : Humankind’s first attempt to speak to ‘aliens’


Timesofindia, First Post, Moneycontrol

Current Affairs 15th November 2018

Political Parties, their heads and Their Headquarters