Tricks to score full marks in Data Sufficiency


Tricks to score full marks in Data Sufficiency

Dear Sehpaathians,

Here is an article on efficient scoring in Logical Reasoning. Data sufficiency in Logical Reasoning section comprises of a question followed by two statements, Numbered as I and II. You have to decide whether the information given in the two statements is sufficient or not sufficient to answer the question.

Data Sufficiency Tests

How to deal with questions on Data Sufficiency?

Here are a few tips on how to solve questions on data Sufficiency in Logical Reasoning

  • Do not calculate the problem, just evaluate it.
  • Take into account one statement at a given time and then consider the second one.
  • Read the question carefully, then read the statements and deduce answers from the statements.
  • Think what is required to solve the question.

Easy Tricks to solve DI Problems for Bank-exams in limited time

Solve as many questions as possible on Data Sufficiency in Logical Reasoning. This way you will get the hang of the answer methodology. Solve last year’s test papers, you might be lucky to get questions on similar lines.

Always read the explanations for the wrongly solved questions.

Check out our sample question:

Question: In which year was Rahul born?


I   Rahul at present is 25 years younger to his mother.

II  Rahul’s Brother, born in 1964, is 35 years younger to his mother.

  1. I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient.
  2. II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient.
  3. Either I or II is sufficient.
  4. Neither I nor II is sufficient
  5. Both I and II are sufficient.

Such questions in Logical Reasoning require very less calculation and more of standard problem solving. The question along with the statements requires you to analyze or evaluate rather than directly calculate the solution.

Tips to Improve your Quant for Various Exams

Question: What will be the total weight of 10 canes, each of the same weight?


I    One – fourth of the weight of each cane is 5 kg.

II   The total weight of three canes is 20 kilograms more than the total weight of two canes.

  1. I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient.
  2. II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient.
  3. Either I or II is sufficient.
  4. Neither I nor II is sufficient.
  5. Both I and II are sufficient.

Answer with Explanation:

Answer: Option C


From I, we can conclude that weight of each Cane = (4×5)kg = 20kg

So , total weight of 10 canes = (20×10)kg = 200kg

From II, we can conclude that

Weight of each cane = (weight of 3 canes) – (weight of 2 canes) = 20kg

So, total weight of 10 canes = (20×10)kg = 200kg

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