REET Exam Pattern

Find REET or RTET exam pattern for level I and level II below:

REET 2021 Primary (Level -1) Exam Pattern.

There are five sections in paper I, Child Psychology and Pedagogy, language I, language li, Mathematics and Environmental Studies

  • The level of the paper will be of 12th standard
  • Candidates have to complete the paper in 150 minutes or two hour and half minutes
  • Check the table below to understand RTET exam pattern for paper – I
RTET Subjects Number of questions Marks
Child development & Pedagogy 30 30
Mathematics 30 30
Language I 30 30
Language II 30 30
Environmental Studies 30 30
Total 150 150


REET 2021 Upper Primary Level (Level-II) Exam Pattern

  • There are four sections in paper I, Child Psychology and Pedagogy, language I, language II, Science & Mathematics OR Social Science
  • The level of the paper will be of 12th standard or Graduate level
  • Candidates have to complete the paper in 150 minutes or two hour and half minutes .

Check the table below to understand RTET exam pattern for paper II

RTET Subjects Number of questions Marks
Child development & Pedagogy 30 30
Language – 1 (Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Gujarati, Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi) 30 30
Language – 2 (Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Gujarati, Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi) 30 30
Science & Mathematics


Social Science


Either Science & Mathematics or Social Science (for teachers in other categories apart from Mathematics, Science and Social Science)






Total 150 150