Paper Review of IBPS PO 2015 Pre 2nd Week


Paper Review of IBPS PO 2015 Pre in 2nd Week

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IBPS-Common-Written-ExaminationHello Readers,

With IBPS PO 2015 exams have begun, we are here with the full paper review of papers held in 2nd week of IBPS PO prems i.e. 10th and 11th Oct 2015.

Paper in the second week have been comparatively easier than 1st week.

The paper consisted of 100 marks in which 3 sections were there and time allowed was 60 mins. Every questions carried 1 mark for correct answer and negative marking of 0.25 marks in Answered wrong

Quant and DI – 35 marks
Reasoning       – 35 marks
English            – 30 marks.

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The paper was on a very easy to moderate node (simpler than IBPS PO Pre 1st week) in which one can attempt 60 in 1 hour. People who have attempted 50 questions accurately will clear this exam. Now if we talk about respective sections

Quant and DI

Quant was very easy to moderate with 10 questions were simple. DI comprised of 10 marks, in which calculations were easy in 1 set. Questions on percentage, profit loss, discounts, approximation were there. A average attempt was between 19-22


Reasoning was Easy to Moderate. Paper consisted of questions from syllogism, inequality, blood relations. The average attempt in this section was in between 18-20


English was moderate. Comprehension consisted of a large part of the paper. In other questions were from para jumbles, find the grammatical error, cloze test, rearrange the sentences. The average attempt in the section was between 17-20

To all those candidates who are still to appear for the Prem. Exam must revise these topics thoroughly. If you are able to attempt even 50 with 90% accuracy you will be clearing the phase 1 of IBPS PO 2015 (for Gen Candidates).

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