NASA’s Juno Spacecraft. Everything about it


NASA’s Juno Spacecraft. Everything about it

Nasa Juno spacecraft which finaly entered jupiter’s orbit after a 5 year journey made history. NASA has become the 1st agency in the world to have reached Jupiter’s orbit.

Ducking the intense belts of violent radiation as it skimmed over the clouds of jupiter at 1,30,000 miles per hour, NASA’s juno aircraft finally clinched its sport on July 4th 2016, in the orbit of the solar system’s largest planer. It took five years for Juno to travel this far on its $1.1Billion mission.

Key Points About NASA JUNO aircraft:

  • NASA’s Juno spacecraft entered the Jupitor;s orbit on July 4th 2016 after travelling about 1.7 billion miles. It took five years to enter the orbit.
  • The Juno is being managed by the NASA’s jet propulsion laboratory in Pasaden, California
  • Indian scientists working at NASA have played an important role in JUNO mission.
  • Jupiter is believed to be holding key to understanding of the origins of our solar system
  • The mission will end on Feburary 20, 2018 after the Juno will make a suicidal dive into Jupiter.
  • Indian Scientists Sushil K. Atreya and Sembiam Rengarajan played a very important role in the mission.