Exam Analysis of SBI Clerk Prelims – 5th June 2016 (Session 1)


Exam Analysis of SBI Clerk Prelims – 5th June 2016 (Session 1)

The First Slot of SBI-Clerk Prelims was conducted from 9 am – 10 am today (5th June, 2016). Here is a detailed analysis of what was asked in the exam so that you have a fair idea about what is expected in the remaining time slots.

Here is the detailed analysis of SBI Clerk 2016-17 Prelims Exam:

English Language section:

Most of the questions were easy and some of moderate difficulty level

(i) There was 1 set of Reading Comprehension with 10 questions. The passage was based on a fictional story.

(ii) Cloze Test comprised on moderately difficult 5 blanks.

(iii) 5 questions were from Parajumbles. Learn some important Parajumble/Sentence Rearrangement tricks here.

(iv) 5 questions were on spelling mistakes. This was a little unexpected but easy.

(v) Spotting Error questions (5 questions) were easy.

Reasoning Ability:

This section was also of easy level though very difficult questions were expected.

(i) 5 questions on Circular Seating Arrangement were easy. This block was on inside facing seating arrangement.

(ii) There was a Puzzle of 5 questions which was kind of easy if you have enough practice.

(iii) 5 questions onAlphabetical Series and 5 questions on Number series were asked.

(iv) 5 questions were on coding decoding.

(v) 5 questions were on inequality and easy.

(vi) Remaining 5 questions were from miscellaneous topics

Numerical Ability:

(i) 5 questions were asking next term of a Number Series

(ii) 5 questions were on Data Interpretation of Tabular data. This was slightly calculative. We hope you know the tricks to save time while solving DI questions…

(iii) 10 questions were on Simplification and Approximation.

(iv) 15 questions were asked Miscellaneously from Profit loss, Averages, Simple interest and compound interest, Ratio & Proportion, Time & Work, Time, Speed & Distance, Boats & Streams, etc.

There were no questions from quadratic equations and data sufficiency.