SBI Clerk Mains Cut-Off 2018

Pros of Joining SBI Clerical

SBI Clerk Mains Cut-Off 2018

Hello Friends,

As earlier State bank of India had released the Mains result status and now the mains exam score card as well as cut off has been released by the SBI and this time there is no sectional cut offs.Candidates has been selected based on their overall marks.

State-wise Cut-offs (UR) for SBI Clerk are:

State Cut-off
Uttar Pradesh 96.00
Haryana 99.00
Madhya Pradesh 92.60
Punjab 100.65
Rajasthan 96.75
Bihar 96.00
Gujarat 85.00
Chhattisgarh 91.50
Maharashtra 85.65
Jharkhand 86.00
Tamil Nadu 93.75
Karnataka 83.90
Himachal Pradesh 98.25
Delhi 104.80
West Bengal 95.30
Odisha 88.80


All the candidates who had appeared in this test can check the cut-off score from the link given below

Score Card for SBI Clerk Mains