Corporation Bank SO Recruitment Notification


Corporation Bank SO Recruitment Notification

Corporation Bank has announced the recruitment notification for the post of Specialist Officer (Manager (Law) vacancies in Middle Management Grade Scale-II – 2017-18.

Important Dates:

Payment of Application Fees 22.07.2017 to 05.08.2017
Opening date for Online Registration 22.07.2017
Last date for Online Registration 05.08.2017


Education Qualification : 

  • Candidate should hold a LL.B degree from a University /Institution /Board recognised by Govt. of India /approved by Govt. Regulatory Boards
  • Minimum educational qualification should be either full time 5 year LL.B degree or full time 3 year LL.B degree after graduation.

Age Limit : 

Min 21 years and Max 35 years

Experience :

3 years of overall Experience as follows: a)Practice at Bar or b)Judicial Service or c) As a Law Officer in a Scheduled Commercial Bank/ Central /State Government /Public Sector Undertaking.

Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on online written examination, group discussion and/ or interview.

Application Fee:

Rs. 600/- for General and OBC

Rs. 100/- for SC/ ST/ PwD (OC/ VI) candidates



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