IRDAI – Junior Officer Recruitment Addendum


IRDAI – Junior Officer Recruitment Addendum










As Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority of India has already declared the Phase I result and cut off for the recruitment of Junior Officer – CLICK HERE TO VIEW

But, an addendum has been declared now stating that few more candidates will also be shortlisted in addition to earlier selected candidates as well as scores of last candidate shortlisted under various categories for Phase-II Descriptive examination are given below:

Roll Number of few more Candidates shortlisted for Phase-II Written Examination:-

Capture 1

The scores of last candidate shortlisted under various categories for Phase-II Descriptive examination:-


The Phase-II off-line Descriptive examination will be conducted at four centres, namely, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata.

To view Official Addendum Notification – CLICK HERE

To view your marks – CLICK HERE