Sentence Error Spotting Set-2

error correction competitive exams

Sentence Error Spotting Set-2

We are here with a new type of question series in English which are being asked in SBI PO.

Directions (Q 1-10): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one or more sentence. Then choose the sentence(s) without error as your answer. If there is error in all the sentences, then your answer is e). (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)

1). A. We discussed about the problem so thoroughly on the eve of the examination that I found it very easy to work it out.
B. The Indian radio which was previously controlled by the British rulers is free now from the narrow vested interests.
C. I could not put up in a hotel because the boarding and lodging charges were exorbitant
D. An Indian ship laden with merchandise got drowned in the Pacific Ocean.
a) Only C
b) Only D
c) Both B & D
d) Both C & A
e) None of the sentence is correct.

2). A. A lot of travel delay is caused due to the inefficiency and lack of good management on the part of the railways.
B. If you lend him a book he will lend it to someone else and never you will get it back.
C. When the dentist came in my tooth stopped aching out of fear that I might lose my tooth.
D. No sooner did I open the door when the rain, heavy and stormy, rushed in making us shiver from head to foot.
a) Only D
b) Only A
c) Both A & C
d) Both D & B
e) None of the sentence is correct.

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Test: Bnk_Eng_Error-Spotting_Set2

3). A. If a man diligently seeks to come into the contact with the best that has been thought and said in this world he will become simple and unselfish.
B. He couldn’t but help shedding tears at the plight of the villagers rendered homeless by a devastating cyclone.
C. Most of the members at the meeting felt that the group appointed for investigating the case was not competent to do the job efficiently.
D. The long-awaited moment at last came, and we set out for the station as merry a band of children as I have ever seen before or since.
a) Only C
b) Only B
c) Both B & D
d) Both A & C
e) None of the sentence is correct.

4). A. Please try to understand that the dispute on this issue is between my brother and myself, and concerns nobody else.
B. Many times the news has been published in the papers that the end of the world will be certain if a nuclear war breaks out.
C. Everyone visiting the house asked the young girl how could she kill the wolf single handed and without a weapon.
D. According to a report issued by Indian Statistical Institute, the Iron and Steel Industry is investing more than any other Indian industry on fighting pollution.
a) Only B
b) Only A
c) Both A & C
d) Both B & D
e) None of the sentence is correct.

5). A. When I were a newspaper journalist I always relied on the news editor and the subs to put things right.
B. I would swear on a thousand Gideon’s that my friend Charlie almost drowned one time while he was visiting his aunt in Debalk.
C. Film viewers claim that the number of scenes depicting alcohol consumption have increased dramatically over the last decade.
D. Forty percent of the people alive today have never made a phone call, but thirty percent still have no electricity connections to their homes.
a) Only A
b) Only B
c) Both B & C
d) Both A & D
e) None of the sentence is correct.