Sentence Error Spotting Set-3


Sentence Error Spotting Set-3

We are here with a new type of question series in English which are being asked in SBI PO.

Directions (Q 1-5): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one or more sentence. Then choose the sentence(s) without error as your answer. If there is error in all the sentences, then your answer is e). (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)

1). A. Getting tax refunds is a problematic not only for the common man but also senior officials.
B. Big companies are hiking stipends for summer internships by 40%, sending out a strong signal that they expects the economy to rev up.
C. India continues to been on the top of the global consumer confidence index this year as well.
D. Three things are essential for a start-up to succeed a product that is in demand a good team and as well a minimum expenditure.
a) Only C
b) Only D
c) Both B & D
d) Both C & A
e) None of the sentence is correct.

2). A. We all have at some point of time in our lives wondered if we are actually being too nice to someone.
B. The World Bank represents a particularly difficult case or organizations cultural change.
C. New business today are increasing focusing on introducing various perks and motivation programmes to help retain employees.
D. Anticipating a foggy winter, the railway authorities have decided to cancel thirty trains.
a) Only D
b) Only A
c) Both A & C
d) Both D & B
e) None of the sentence is correct.

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Test: Bnk_Eng_Error-Spotting_Set3

3). A. India has one of the largest road networks in the world, aggregating to about 3.6 million kilometers at present.
B. Till 1970, India was among first nations having the highest quota with IMF and due to this status India was allotted a permanent place in the Executive Board of Directors.
C. Lakhdar Brahimi, the UN envoy Syria, said that the second round of talks in Geneva has failed to make progress.
D. Once the demand draft will be deposited the individual will be eligible to participate in the online bidding process.
a) Only A
b) Only B
c) Both B & D
d) Both A & C
e) None of the sentence is correct.

4). A. The Superintendent of Dasna Jail in Ghaziabad said that Koli had been transferred from Dasna to Meerut Jail as the first had not facilities to carry out the execution.
B. The woman kill the child because she wanted to take revenge from her daughter-in-law whom she blamed from taking away her son from her.
C. My resignation was a spontaneous action since I have always believed that life unless honor is no living at all.
D. With each academic year the number of applicants are increasing in the professional colleges.
a) Only B
b) Only A
c) Both B & D
d) Both C & A
e) None of the sentence is correct.

5). A. Nobody offered to give up their seat to the old lady holding luggage in her arms.
B. Four protesters and one policeman were killed when police cleared protest sites in Bangkok.
C. The holy man took some roasted chickpeas and raisins from his pouch and gave them of the woodcutter.
D. The Delhi government has issued a notification allowing the opening of new wholesale markets in the capital, which will be outside the purview of the three existing AMPC markets.
a) Only C
b) Only B
c) Both B & D
d) Both A & C
e) None of the sentence is correct.


1) e         2) d        3) a        4) e        5) c