Financial Awareness PDF 3


Financial Awareness PDF 3

Dear Sehpaathians

Banking Awareness or Financial awareness is a very important part of banking exams. Many questions are linked to this section in competitive exams. Keeping in focus SBI, IBPS we are here with set 2 of Financial Awareness PDF.

Here are sample questions

1. The Narasimhan Committee (1991) on financial reforms proposed for establishment of a
A) 4 tier hierarchy of banking structure
B) 3 tier hierarchy of banking structure
C) 2 tier hierarchy of banking structure
D) United control by apex institution
E) None of these

2. Green Banking means
A) Development of Forestry by banks
B) Financing of environmental friendly projects by banks
C) Financing of irrigation projects by banks
D) All of these
E) None of these

3. Banks do not get any interest on which of the following deposit
C) Reverse Repo Rate
D) All of these
E) None of these

4. The rate at which one bank gives money to the other bank for a night is known as
A) Base Rate
B) Bank Rate
C) Call Money Rate
D) Repo Rate
E) None of these

5. The bank rate is the rate of interest at which the RBI provides loans to the:
A) Scheduled Commercial Banks
B) Public Sector Banks
C) Corporate Banks
D) Foreign Institutional Investors
E) None of these

For Answers and More questions

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