Expected Safe Score In SBI PO Pre 2016


Expected Safe Score In SBI PO Pre 2016

Dear Sehpaathians

With SBI PO Pre 2016 exams have begun We are here with expected Safe Score In SBI PO PRE 2016.

This year SBI has announced 2200 vacancies of Probationary officers, who will be finally recruited after a 3 step recruitment process.

  1. SBI PO Pre: More than 30Lac students who have applied for SBI will be appearing for this exam. This exam will be a preliminary exams, which is meant to filter the top 1.5-2Lac candidates who will appear for the main exam
  2. SBI PO MAins: Students who will be successful in pre exam will be appearing for SBI PO mains. This year SBI has changed the Paper pattern of mains exam
    Click Here to see the new syllabus of SBI PO Mains
  3.  Students who will be clearing SBI PO mains exams will have to face Group Discussion and Personal Interview Sessions.

Our Expected Safe Score for SBI PO 2016 will be 55. We advice candidates to attempt atleast this number of questions correct in the exam.