Computer Awareness MCQ 37

computer awareness question

Computer Awareness MCQ 37

Important Computer MCQs for LIC AAO and all Upcoming Exams was given here with answers. Aspirants those who are preparing for the examination can use this.


1. Which of the following is not component of computer system?

(a)Input Device

(b)Stepper Motor


(d)All of the above

(e)None of the above


2. Joystick is used for____________


(b)Weather forecast

(c)Word Processing


(e)None of the above


3. CPU consist of







4. Which is the type of memory for information that does not change on your computer?





e)None of these


5. Keyboard Converts typed in character to ___________code





(e)None of these


6.  __________consists of set of instruction




(d)All of these

(e)None of these


7. Which characteristics of computer distinguishes it from electronic calculation?





(e)None of these


8. Which one of the following is not a feature of third generation languages?

(a) They need to get translated

(c) They are easy to use than MMLs

(b) They are faster than MLLs

(d) They use compilers and interpreters

(e) None of these


9. Which browser comes with linux by default

(a)Mozilla Firebox



(d)All of the above

(e)None of the above


10. Which the following is application software?


(b)Power Point


(d)All of the above

(e)None of the above

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1. b
2. a
3. a
4. d
5. b
6. c
7. b
8. b
9. c



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