Salary Structure of Clerical In PSU Banks


Salary Structure of Clerical In PSU Banks

With IBPS Clerical 2017 selection process completed the selected applicants have been dreaming of what will be their in hand salary once they join services. They are all trying very hard to prepare very well for the main examinations and the interviews thereafter. So here is the salary structure in all PSU banks except SBI and RBI for Newly joined clerical in Banks

  1. Basic: Rs. 13,075/-
    1. Dearness Allowance : 48% i.e Rs 6985/- (Current DA, DA changes every 3 months)
  2. Hra max 9% i.e. Rs. 1,176
  3. Special pay i.e. Rs. 1,479 (7.75 of basic + equivalent Da)

Max salary 22,715/-

Benefits to clerical staff varies from bank to bank. Some bank give extra perks for Head cashier, pay conveyance for going to clearing houses to clerks etc.

Of these around 2050/- will be deducted on account of union chgs, NPS etc.

Banks contribute equal your amount in NPS. Suppose if your deduction is 2050/- then bank will also contribute the same.

Then on every year of completed service you will be eligible of an increment

Salary Structure of An officer in a PSU bank

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