IBPS PO Prelims Exam Review – 16th Oct 2016: Slot II


Dear Friends,

Finally much awaited exam i.e. IBPS Probationary Officer’s Prelims exam day has come and the second slot of the exam is over now.

Without wasting any moment, let’s get straight to the analysis which you all are interested in.

There are 3 Sections in IBPS PO Pre exam namely English, Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude. This year the paper was of moderate level. There were 2 seating arrangements and 2 puzzles in reasoning. No Fillers were asked in English Language and Quant was of Easy-Moderate level.

Over-all Analysis

Subject Good Attempt Time
English Language  14-15  15 min.
Reasoning Ability  22-24  20 min.
Quantitative Aptitude  18-20  25 min.
 54-57 60 Minutes


Detailed Sectional Analysis


Topic No. of Questions Level
Reading Comprehension 10 Moderate – Difficult
Close Test (Related to situation of Work Place) 5 Moderate
Para-Jumbled 5 Moderate
Errors 10 Moderate to Difficult
Total 30 Moderate-Difficult


The level of reasoning was easy to moderate. No questions from coding decoding were asked.

Topic No. of Questions Level
Inequalities 5 Easy- Moderate
Syllogism 5 Easy-Moderate
Sitting Arrangement

(Circular and Linear)

10 Moderate
Puzzles 10 Moderate to Difficult
Miscellaneous ( Ranking, Direction Sense, Blood Relations etc. ) 5 Easy
Total 35 Easy to Moderate



The level of quantitative aptitude was easy to moderate. There were two sets of DI, one was of Line graph and another was of Table.

Topic No. of Questions Level
Series 5 Easy-Moderate
Quadratic Equation 5 Easy
Approximation 5 Easy
Data Interpretation 10 Moderate
Miscellaneous(SI,CI, Speed &Time, Profit and Loss, Time and Work, Averages, Ages, Ratio etc.) 10 Moderate – Difficult
Total 35 Easy-Moderate

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