English Vocabulary Words 58

english vocabulary

English Vocabulary Words 58

English vocabulary is a very important part of English section. Many questions in the competitive exams are directly related to your vocabulary skills.
Here is today’s 10 English words with their meaning (English/Hindi), a sentence, antonyms and synonyms. Keep following us for more updates

Daily English Vocabulary

1. Pristine (मौलिक) 

Meaning: Immaculate
Sentence: I wish this pristine purity of our rivers could be restored some how
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

2. Primeval (पहला, अतिप्राचीन)

Meaning: relating to the earliest times in history
Sentence: I wish the pristine purity of our rivers could be restored some how.
Antonym and Synonym: Click here

3. Proclivity ( इच्छा,  झुकाव)

Meaning: A natural Tendency to do something or to feel something;
often something bad
Sentence: His criminal proclivity are perhaps inherited.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

4. Prolix (आति दीर्घ)

Meaning: tiresomely wordy and dull
Sentence: The orator’s prolix speech had a soporific effect on the listeners.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

5. Prodigal (अतिव्ययी, अनोखा)

Meaning: Using money or resources in a wasteful manner
Sentence: His prodigal habits eventually left his family backrupt
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

6. Proscribe ( रोक देना, त्याग करना)

Meaning: ban
Sentence: The doctor proscribed sweets for the diabetic.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

7. Protean (परिवर्तनशील, बचाना)

Meaning: able to change or adapt 
Sentence: The protean landscape transforms itself with the seasons.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

8. Prophecy (भविश्यवाक्य, आगम)

Meaning: A tendency to behave in a certain way
Sentence: The prophecies of nostradamus are said to be coming true one by one
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

9. Presage ( पूर्व सूचना, पूर्वलक्षण)

Meaning: be a sign or warning of 
Sentence: In the past, people believed that the hooting of an owl presaged death
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

10. Primeval (पहला, अतिप्राचीन)

Meaning: relating to the earliest time of history
Sentence: Primeval society showed respect for the nature
Antonym and Synonym : Click Here

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