Daily English Vocabulary Words – 5

english vocabulary

English Vocabulary Words -5

Here is today’s 10 English words with their meaning, a sentence, antonyms and synonyms. Keep following us for more updates

Daily English Vocabulary

  1. Word: Misconception
    Meaning: A view or opinion that is incorrect because based on faulty thinking and mis-conception
    Sentence: It is a Misconception that Communists are opposed to economic reforms
    Synonym: delusion, fallacy, misunderstanding
    Antonym: certainly, fact, reality,

  1. Word: Strident
    Meaning: loud and Harsh, presenting a controversial point of view
    Sentence: The fact of the life is that Communists are the most strident fighters for economic reforms
    Synonym: Blatant, jarring, raucous
    Antonym:  quiet, silent
  1. Word: Misnomer
    Meaning: a wrong or inaccurate name or designation or term
    Sentence: To term the market-oriented changes as reform is a misnomer.

  1. Word: envisaged
    Meaning: Contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future incident
    Sentence: The development strategy envisaged under Structural Adjustment and dictated by the World Bank, IMF University students has been witnessed.
    Synonym: Confront, consider, regard
    Antonym: disregard, ignore
  1. Word: Unfettered
    Meaning: not confined or Restricted
    Sentence: The development strategy envisaged under Structural Adjustment and dictated by the World Bank, IMF and WTO is a strategy for the unfettered development of capitalism under which the working people, who are the main productive force, are made redundant, kept unemployed, thrown out of jobs, and so on.
    Synonym: Liberate, loosen, discharge
    Antonym: detain, hold, imprison
  1. Word: redundant
    Meaning: not or no longer needed or useful, superfluous
    Sentence: The development strategy envisaged under Structural Adjustment and dictated by the World Bank, IMF and WTO is a strategy for the unfettered development of capitalism under which the working people, who are the main productive force, are made redundant, kept unemployed, thrown out of jobs, and so on.
    Synonym: unnecessary, bombastic, extravagant
    Antonym: necessary, needed
  1. Word: isolation
    Meaning: Away from things, fact of isolating or being isolated
    Sentence: In the phase of globalization, no country can develop in isolation
    Synonym: Confinement, segregation, remoteness,
    Antonym: attach, combine, gather
  1. Word: Deny
    Meaning: say no, discourage
    Sentence: Entry of foreign capital in the country cannot be denied.
    Synonym: ban, call on, refuse, turn down
    Antonym: accept, approve, support, sanction 
  1. Word: Development
    Meaning: growth, evolution
    Sentence: Development of a nation depends on her citizens.
    Synonym: growth, evolution, advancement, improvement
    Antonym: decline, retreat, stoppage
  1. Word: Reforms
    Meaning: make changes to improve it
    Sentence: Indian Economy is going through a lot of reforms, which are required to regulate Indian Markets
    Synonym: amend, improve, rebuild
    Antonym: break, damage, degrade

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