Banking Questions related to Nominations


Banking Questions related to Nominations

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Hello Readers,

Banking Questions are a important part of banking Exams. This sheet is related to Important Banking questions on nominations. Last year a lot of questions were asked from related topics. Do give us a review.

Quick Preview:

1. What is the age of minor when he can open his self-operated account with the bank (he can read and write)
A) 10 years
B) 12 years
C) 14 years
D) 16 years
E) None of these

2. Which of the following instruments we cannot issue to a minor
A) Bank- Passbook
B) ATM Card
C) Cheque Book
D) Internet Banking
E) None of these

3. Can a child of age 5yrs open an account
A) Yes, self-operated account
B) Yes, jointly With a legal guardian
C) No, He/she is minor. Minors can only open account after 10years
D) Yes, if Bank Staff allow.
E) None of these

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