Arrangement Based Questions: Set 24


Arrangement Based Questions: Set 24

Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Maaran, Bharat, Ashok, Kannan, Raman, Manoj, Kailash and Arafath were among those candidates who appeared for the Competitive exam 2016. There were three IBPS candidates, two RRB candidates and one each candidate wrote RBI, SBI and Insurance exam among them. Three of them Not received Selection letter while two selected for PO, two selected for SO and one of them selected for a Clerk

The one who selected for Clerk post does not write RBI exam. Ashok does not write RRB exam. One of the IBPS candidates selected for SO post but that person is not Arafath. Bharat wrote RBI exam and selected but not in PO post. Kannan selected for PO but not in Insurance or RRB exam. Arafath has selected but not in SO post. Manoj and Ashok is among those three candidates who have to settle with Not Selected and he writes IBPS. One of the RRB candidate Not Selected while the other RRB candidate selected for PO post. Raman wrote the SBI exam but not as PO and Kailash selected for SO post.

1). The candidates selected as SO wrote which of the following exams?
b) RBI
c) RRB
d) SBI
e) Both IBPS and RBI

2). Who among the following selected as PO in RRB exam?
a) Maaran
b) Arafath
c) Manoj
d) Kannan
e) Both b) and d)


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3). Which of the following candidate selected as SO in IBPS exam?
a) Maaran
b) Ashok
c) Kailash
d) Kannan
e) None of these

4). Which of the following candidates not selected for any post?
a) Maaran, Manoj, Ashok
b) Manoj, Ashok, Kailash
c) Raman, Manoj, Bharat
d) Maaran, Kannan, Ashok
e) Maaran, Manoj, Kailash

5). Which of the following combinations is true?
a) Arafath – RRB – Clerk
b) Bharat – IBPS – SO
c) Manoj – IBPS – PO
d) Raman – SBI – Clerk
e) Kailash – RBI – SO


1. e      2. b          3. c           4. a            5. d