English Vocabulary Words-37


English Vocabulary Words -37

english vocabulary wordsHere is today’s 10 English words with their meaning, a sentence, antonyms and synonyms. Keep following us for more updates


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Daily English Vocabulary

1. Conspiracy

Meaning: a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful
Sentence: CBI charges Peter with murder, conspiracy in Sheena Bohra murder Case.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

2. foist

Meaning: impose an unwelcome or unnecessary person or thing on
Sentence: Shouldn’t try to foist views on each other, PM tells opposition
Antonym and Synonym: Click here

3. jeopardy

Meaning: danger of loss, harm, or failure..
Sentence: Scholarships of ITI students in jeopardy due to the poor coordination between the poor coordination between the state government and the directorate general of Training.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

4.  Supplementary

Meaning:completing or enhancing something.
Sentence: Former Media Baron Peter Mukerjee was charged with the murder and conspiracy with the murder of step daughter Sheena Bohra, in supplementary  
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

5. acquisition

Meaning: an asset or object bought or obtained, typically by a library or museum
Sentence: The telecom Major Vodafone slammed the government latest action in the row involving its acquisition of Hutch’s telecom business in India.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

6. bleak

Meaning: lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements, doubtful.
Sentence: Three Lac ITI students face bleak future over scholarships
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

7. agitate

Meaning: stir or disturb, make someone troubled or nervous.
Sentence: JATs from Haryana had been agitating for reservation in government jobs.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

8. affiliate

Meaning: officially attach or connect (a subsidiary group or a person) to an organization
Sentence: Unless the affiliating authorities authenticate the institutes, they will not be seen on the application portal and students won’t be able to apply for it.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

9. Authenticate

Meaning: prove or show (something) to be true, genuine, or valid.
Sentence: Unless the affiliating authorities authenticate the institutes, they will not be seen on the application portal and students won’t be able to apply for it.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

10. Harassment

Meaning: : aggressive pressure or intimidation
Sentence: Students have been harassed by the police during investigation of party held at the college.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

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