English Vocabulary words 8


English Vocabulary Words -8

VocabularyHere is today’s 10 English words with their meaning, a sentence, antonyms and synonyms. Keep following us for more updates

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Daily English Vocabulary

  1. Word: Exhilarating
    Meaning: Making someone feel happy,animated
    Sentence: A good day of solid defence can be exhilarating
    Antonym & Synonym: Click here
  2. Word: Metaphore:
    Meaning: Usage, symbol
    Sentence: Rickshaw is a metaphore of the history
    Antonym & Synonym: Click here
  3. Word: Slew
    Meaning: turn voilently, uncontrollable
    Sentence: Delhi government announced a slew of measures to address the pro air qualityAntonym & Synonym: Click here
  4. Word: Cancomitant
    Meaning: related, associated
    Sentence: Pollution level depends on the manner of implementation and other concomitant measures.
    Antonym & Synonym: Click here
  1. Word: Mitigate
    Meaning: Reduce, Diminish
    Sentence: To mitigate pollution there are many ways
    Antonym & Synonym: Click here
  1. Word: Enticing
    Meaning: attractive
    Sentence: Amazon is offering enticing offers
    Antonym & Synonym: Click here
  1. Word: Flourish
    Meaning: Grow, Increase, develop
    Sentence: Faith and religions flourish with mutual respect
    Antonym & Synonym: Click here
  1. Word: Refuge
    Meaning: Shelter
    Sentence: During 1971 war, India became a refuge hub for Bangladeshi migrants
    Antonym & Synonym: Click here
  1. Word: Persecution
    Meaning: discrimination, abuse
    Sentence: India has given refuge to all those fleeing persecution.
    Antonym & Synonym: Click here
  1. Word: Reigns
    Meaning: Govern, rule
    Sentence: After the American invasion of Iraq, Saddam Hussain government reigns ended
    Antonym & Synonym: Click here

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