English Vocabulary Words 47

english vocabulary

English Vocabulary Words 47

English vocabulary is a very important part of English section. Many questions in the competitive exams are directly related to your vocabulary skills.
Here is today’s 10 English words with their meaning, a sentence, antonyms and synonyms. Keep following us for more updates

Daily English Vocabulary

1. Veracity  (सच्चाई)

Meaning: Reality
Sentence: The judge directed the police to verify the veracity in the eyewitness statements and report within 14 days
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

2. Waddle (बत्तख जैसी चाल, डगमगाते हुए चलना)

Meaning: To walk on small steps
Sentence: An obese matronly women waddled towards the entrance to answer the door bell
Antonym and Synonym: Click here

3. Underdog ( अभागा,  शोषित)

Meaning: Weaker party, A competitor thought to have little chance of winning a fight or a contest.
Sentence: Ankit Jain championed the cause of the underdog
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

4.  Tutelage (रक्षण, अध्यापन)

Meaning: Auspices
Sentence: Some of the talented youngsters are now under the tutelage of a foreign coach.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

5. Twirl (घुमाव, आवर्तन)

Meaning: Spin Quickly and lightly around
Sentence: The couples twirled around the dance floor waltzing to the soft music
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

6. Subvert ( नष्ट कर दना, विनाश करना )

Meaning: undermine
Sentence: The militant group was accused of trying to subvert the peace process.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

7. Placate (मिला लेना, शांत करना)

Meaning: pacify
Sentence: The husband tried to placate his angry wife with a bouquet
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

8. Ostensible (ख़याली, काल्पनिक)

Meaning: apparent
Sentence: The ostensible reason for the increase in crime is poverty but the police chief feels their could be other reasons too
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

9. Novitiate (अनभ्यस्त)

Meaning: The period or state of being a novice especially in a religious order.
Sentence: After Gratuating in theological studies he underwent a two year novitiate and was inducted as a priest.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

10. Overwrought (अति उत्तेजित)

Meaning: In an overemotional state, with highly strained nerves.
Sentence: As the countdown for the d-day began, the organisers of the event became overwrought and apprehensive.
Antonym and Synonym : Click Here

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