English Vocabulary Words 45


English Vocabulary Words 45

English vocabulary is a very important part of english section. Many questions in the competitive exams are directly related to your vocabulary skills.
Here is today’s 10 English words with their meaning, a sentence, antonyms and synonyms. Keep following us for more updates

Daily English Vocabulary


1. Decimate

Meaning: enfeeble, enervate

Sentence: A bout of viral fever has left me debilitated
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

2. Decorous

Meaning: Behavnig politely and in a controlled way
Sentence: He was a thourough gentalman who always behaved in a decorous manner
Antonym and Synonym: Click here

3. Deify

Meaning: Making into or worship as a God
Sentence: Illeterate people, particularly in rural India, deify politions and film stars and build temples in their name
Antonym and Synonym : Click here


4.  Cult

Meaning: Some popular or fashionable among a particular group of people
Sentence: Art of Living, initiated by Sri Sri Ravishankar has become a cult among many Indians.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

5. Coterie

Meaning: An exclusive group of people with shared interests and tastes
Sentence: The coterie of honchmen is said to have influenced the minister in a lot of underhand dealings.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

6. Chide

Meaning: Scold or Rebuke
Sentence: He chided his servant for breaking the tea pot.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here


7. Bemoan

Meaning: Lament
Sentence: The captain bemoaned that he seldom got advice from the coach.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

8. Benign

Meaning: Cheerful and Kindly
Sentence: The hostess greeted us with a benign smile.
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

9. Annals

Meaning: A historic record of events year by year
Sentence: His acts of bravery as a commander of the British Army, made him legend in hte annals of military History
Antonym and Synonym : Click here

10. Approbation.

Meaning: : Commendation, official approval
Sentence: His flawless speech received widespread approbation.
Antonym and Synonym : Click Here

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