Why IBPS Clerical Result has been Delayed


Why IBPS Clerical Result has been Delayed

IBPS has not declared the results for the clerical mains till now. This has created speculations about the reason behind the delayed result. Here is a reasons which might be a possibility.

  • With the declaration of the central Government that interviews will not be there for jobs of Class B and below, there is a chance that IBPS and banking organizations follow the guidelines in Clerical exams. Clerical posts are the 2nd level of entry to the banking organisation and according to guidelines issued by the government interviews can be scrapped.
  • If the above is true, there are 2 possibilities.
  1. IBPS declares the result on 1st April 2016 along with marks and allotment. In this case it is expected that the cutoff will be too high.
  2. Other way is IBPS might introduce one extra leg of exam for the shortlisted candidates. This exam can be Psychometric (local language test through mediums of reading of newspaper or articles) or can be descriptive in nature with banking questions asked at large.(5-10 questions) This will be a substitute to interview exam. (With passage of time this thing possibility difficult)

Though nothing is clear about the fate of interviews for clerical Exams it is probably possible that they are scrapped and some other selection process is opted.

Whatever be the case the results will be declared as per schedule on 1st April 2016

Keep on following Sehpaathi for all the updates on the issue

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