Average Questions Set – 6


Average Questions Set – 6

Q1. The average of 30 numbers is 15. The average of the first 18 numbers is 10 and that of the next 11 number is 20. The last number is:
(a) 56
(b) 52
(c) 60
(d) 50

Q2. The average of 6 observations is 45.5. If one new observation is added to the previous observations, then the new average becomes 47. The new observation is
(a) 58
(b) 56
(c) 50
(d) 46

Average Tests

Q3. The present average age of a family of four members is 36 years. If the present age of the youngest member of the family be 12 years, the average age of the family at the birth of the youngest member was:
(a) 48 years
(b) 40 years
(c) 32 years
(d) 24 years

Q4. The average age of group of 20 girls is 15 years and that of another group of 25 boys it is 24 years. The average age of the two groups mixed together is:
(a) 19.5 years
(b) 20 years
(c) 21 years
(d) 21.5 years

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Test: Average_Set6

Q5. A cricket batman had a certain average of runs for his 11 innings. In the 12th innings, he made a score of 90 runs and thereby his average of runs was decreased by 5. His average of runs after 12th innings:
(a) 155
(b) 150
(c) 145
(d) 140


1 – D

2 – B

3 – C

4 – B

5 – C