UPSC CDS 2018 Result Out


UPSC CDS 2018 Result Out

Dear Friends,

UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) has declared the Result of CDS (Combined Defence Services) Examination-I 2018 which was held on 04th February, 2018.

Number of shortlisted candidates: 8261

The original Certificates are to be submitted within two weeks of completion of the SSB Interview and not later than 13th November, 2018 for AFA and not later than 01st January, 2019 for IMA and not later than 01st January, 2019 for admission to NA (1st April, 2019 in case of SSC only). The candidates must not send the original Certificates to the Union Public Service Commission.

UPSC CDS 2018 Written Result

Note: All the candidates who have successfully qualified in the written exam are required to register themselves online on the Indian Army Recruiting website within two weeks of announcement of written result.