Sentence Error Spotting Set-5


Sentence Error Spotting Set-5

We are here with a new type of question series in English which are being asked in SBI PO.

Directions (Q 1-5): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one or more sentence. Then choose the sentence(s) without error as your answer. If there is error in all the sentences, then your answer is e). (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)

Sentence Error Spotting

Q1. Although few outside academe have heard of him, today William Dean Howells is among America’s most successful literary critics and novelists.
(a) Although few outside academe have heard of him today, William Dean Howells
(b) However difficult it may be to find someone outside of academe who has heard of him, today, William Dean Howells
(c) As difficult as it is to find someone outside of academe who has heard of him today, William Dean Howells
(d) William Dean Howells is not heard of by very many outside of academe today, but he
(e) Although today William Dean Howells is not heard of by very many people outside of academe,

Q2. Although the stock market seems to offer the possibility of great personal gain, you must understand that to invest in stocks is accepting the risk of financial ruin as well.
(a) is accepting the risk of financial ruin as well
(b) is to accept the risk of financial ruin as well
(c) is to accept the risk as well as financial ruin
(d) are accepting the risk of financial ruin as well
(e) are to accept the risk of financial ruin as well

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Test: Error Spotting Set-7


Q3. Since the past twenty years, thousands of magnificent United States elms have been killed by infestations of the tiny European bark beetle.
(a) Since the past twenty years
(b) Since twenty years have passed
(c) During the past twenty years
(d) Twenty years ago
(e) After twenty years

Q4. The new biography of Thomas Jefferson contains some startling insights about the man who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence.
(a) about the man who was the primary author
(b) into the man who was the primary author
(c) into the character of the man who was the primary author
(d) into the character of a man who was the primary author
(e) into the character of the man who was primarily the author

Q5. Although completely withered, the botanists were able to conclude from what remained of the flower that the species was very rare.
(a) Although completely withered
(b) Although totally withered
(c) Although withering completely
(d) Although it was completely withered
(e) While it withered completely


1) A         2) B        3) C        4) C        5) D