English Synonym Set 1


English Synonym Set 1

Directions (1-5): For each of the words below, a contextual usage is provided. Pick the word/phrase from the alternatives that is most the appropriate substitute in the given context and mark its number as your answer.

Q1. Innocuous: Many innocuous works take a totally different meaning when translated literally into another language.
(a) offensive
(b) inoffensive
(c) high sounding
(d) strong
(e) prolific

Synonym Tests

Q2. Cohesiveness: The debate took a toll on the government with the cohesiveness of the coalition eroded.
(a) divisiveness
(b) diversity
(c) plan
(d) amity
(e) unity

Q3. Repercussions: The repercussions for the mistake were borne by innocent people.
(a) consequences
(b) joys
(c) benefits
(d) controversies
(e) pains

Q4. Compendium: This book is an excellent compendium of modern medicine.
(a) exposition
(b) epilogue
(c) composition
(d) elaboration
(e) abstract of essential information

Answers to the quiz and More questions are attached in the Sehpaathi Test Application below

Sehpaathi Test Application: CHALLENGE YOURSELF

Test: Synonym Set1

Q5. Loquacious: Under the influence of alcohol he became loquacious.
(a) desolate
(b) audible
(c) talkative
(d) humble
(e) numb


S1. Ans.(b)

Sol. Innocuous-not harmful or offensive.

inoffensive-not objectionable or harmful.

these two words are same in the meaning, hence innocuous and inoffensive can be used interchangeably. hence, option B is correct answer choice.

S2. Ans.(e)

Sol. Cohesiveness-the quality of forming a united whole. The word “Cohesiveness “ is used in the sense of unity, hence option E is correct answer choice.

Answers to the quiz and More questions are attached in the Sehpaathi Test Application below

Sehpaathi Test Application: CHALLENGE YOURSELF

Test: Synonym Set1

S3. Ans.(a)

Sol. Repercussion-an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one. The word ‘repercussion’ is used in the sense of results or consequences of actions or events. Hence, option A is correct answer choice.

S4. Ans.(e)

Sol. Compendium-a collection of concise but detailed information about a particular subject, especially in a book or other publication. Option E is correct answer choice. other options are irrelevant.

S5. Ans.(c)

Sol. Loquacious-tending to talk a great deal; talkative. Option c is correct answer choice.  The given sentence gives an idea about great deal of talking after drinking alcohol.