Expected Cutoff SBI PO Pre 2016


Expected Cutoff SBI PO Pre 2016

Dear Sehpaathians

With SBI PO Pre 2016 exam has begun and 8 sessions have took place we are here with estimated cutoff SBI PO Pre 2016.

The Paper was overall moderate with average attempt was around 50 questions. Citing the vacancies we expect at 2200 and with 2 rounds left for final selection we expect SBI to select the top 45,000 students for the mains examination.

Citing this we expect the Cutoff of SBI PO Pre 2016 anywhere between

46-48 (GEN)

Strategy you must follow in SBI PO Pre 2016 

Exam Review of SBI PO Pre 2016

Puzzles asked in SBI PO Pre 2016