Strategy For SBI PO Pre 2016 for Next Weekend


Strategy For SBI PO Pre 2016 for Next Weekend

Dear Sehpaathians

With Exams for SBI PO pre were held this week, We know what was the level of paper and what were the questions that were being asked. We are here with strategy tips for SBI PO Pre 2016 for all aspirants who will be appearing next week.

Quant and DI


  • Arrangement based questions / puzzles are coming in sets of 4-5. Out of these 2 sets are easy, one is moderate and 2 are hard. Practice a lot of these puzzles. Puzzles asked are circular, box, 3 tier hierarchy, Line puzzles, Direction based puzzles
  • Direction based questions are also being asked. One must know the directions properly.
  • Inequality questions are also being consistently asked. Practice a lot of such questions


Our Advice

Don’t get worried about the hard level of the paper. This is just our perception.