Will Clerical Mains Cutoff be affected due to interview in SBI Clerical
Dear Sehpaathians
With now clarity on interviews coming in from SBI regarding Interviews for Clerical Posts, many people have been asking us about the affect on Clerical Mains Cutoff due to Interview.
Expected Cutoff SBI Clerical Mains
Job Profile of SBI Junior Associate
We would like to convey that there will be a major effect of the announcement on SBI clerical Mains cutoff. Though the interview is not competitive in nature. One needs to just clear the cutoff of the interview (which is decided by the bank). Bank has notified that it will select aspirants in ratio of 1:3. this means that for 17000 posts around 50000 aspirants will be selected and final allotment will be done on basis of Interview and Mains Marks.