Time and Distance Set 8


Time and Distance Set 8

Time and Distance Questions are very important for competitive exams. Time and distance question count to 2-3 questions in competitive exams.Time and Distance

Q1. A train 110 m long passes a man, running at 6 kmph in the direction opposite to that of the train, in 6 seconds. The speed of the train is-
(a) 60 km/hr
(b) 66 km/hr
(c) 54 km/hr
(d) 72 km/hr

Q2. A train B speeding with 120 kmph crosses another train C, running in the same direction in 2 minutes. If the lengths of the trains B and C be 100 m and 200 m respectively, what is the speed of the train C?
(a) 111 kmph
(b) 127 kmph
(c) 123 kmph
(d) 129 kmph

Q3. Two trains travel in opposite directions at 36 kmph and 45 kmph and a man sitting in slower train passes the faster train in 8 seconds. The length of the faster train is –
(a) 80 m
(b) 100 m
(c) 120 m
(d) 180 m

Q4. A train running at certain speed crosses a stationary engine in 20 seconds. To find out the speed of the train, which of the following information is necessary?
(a) Only the length of the train
(b) Only the length of the engine
(c) Either the length of the train or the length of the engine
(d) Both the length of the train and the length of the engine

Q5. A train overtakes two persons who are walking in the same direction in which the train is going, at the rate of 2 kmph and 4 kmph and passes them completely in 9 and 10 seconds respectively. The length of the train is-
(a) 72 m
(b) 54 m
(c) 50 m
(d) 45 m


1 – A

2 – A

3 – D

4 – D

5 – C

Time and distance