Sections to Focus on For SBI CLERICAL PRE 2016


Sections to Focus on For SBI CLERICAL PRE 2016

Based on the exam of SBI Clerical pre 2016 held yesterday we are here with the things you must study in every category so that you can excel in SBI Clerical Exam.

Reasoning Ability:

If we specifically talk about Reasoning the questions were similar to IBPS Clerk and topics like

This section was quite typical and the students who have appeared for recent exam will not take much time in solving these questions.

English Language:

In this English language sections the following questions will be asked:

Quantitative Aptitude:

Overall Quant section is Easy to Moderate and the questions asked are of

If you practice the above sections properly, you are set to clear the cutoff’s for SBI Clerical pre and prepare for Preparation for SBI Clerical Mains.