SBI PO Prelims 2016 Exam Analysis 3rd July 2016 (3rd Slot)


Today is the second day of SBI PO Prelims 2016 Exam.The third slot of the exam over now. In this post we are providing you a detail analysis of today’s SBI PO Prelims Exam held today in third slot.

Below is the detail analysis of all the sections – 

I. English Language (30 Qs)

Level – Moderate 

1. Reading Comprehension – 10 Qs – Moderate

2. Cloze test5 Qs (Easy)

3. Parajumble – 5 QS (Moderate)

4. Spotting Error5 Qs (Moderate) 

5. Fill in the blanks – 5 Qs (Easy)


II. Reasoning Ability (35 Qs)

Level – Moderate to Tough

1. Puzzle5 Qs -(Moderate to tough)

2. Puzzle5 Qs ( Moderate)

3. Linear Puzzle5 Qs –  (Moderate)

4. Puzzle – 5 Qs (Moderate) –

5. Inequality – 5 Qs (direct)

6. Ranking & Direction puzzle– 3 Qs (Easy to moderate)

7. Blood Relation 2 Qs (Moderate) 

Note: No syllogism & Coding Decoding asked in today’s exam. 


III. Quantitative Aptitude 

Level – Moderate

1. Number Series5 Qs (Moderate) 

2. Data Interpretation2 set (10 Qs)

3. Approximation – 5 Qs (Easy)

4. Quadratic Equation – 5 Qs (Easy)

5. Miscellaneous –  10 Qs (Moderate)


Good Attempts –

1. English Language 20 – 22

2. Reasoning Ability15 – 20

3. Quantitative Aptitude 22 – 25

All the best for next slot exam!