Active – Passive Questions-Set2 – SSC CGL


Active – Passive Questions-Set2 – SSC CGL

Direction (1-5) : In these questions a sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the four alternative suggested below, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active Voice.

1.He was congratulated by his teacher on his brilliant success in the recent examination.
(A) His teacher congratulated him on his brilliant success in the recent examination.
(B) His teacher congratulated him for his brilliant success in the recent examination.
(C) His teacher congratulated him on his success.
(D) His teacher congratulated him.

active passive

2.People speak English all over the world.
(A) English is spoken all over the world.
(B) English was spoken all over the world.
(C) English was spoken by people.
(D) English is spoken by people.

3.Who gave you permission to enter ?
(A) By whom were you given permission to enter ?
(B) By whom was you given permission to enter ?
(C) By whom you were given permission to enter ?
(D) By whom given you permission to enter ?

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Test: Active-Passive_Set2

4.The principal has granted him a scholarship.
(A) A scholarship has granted to him by the Principal.
(B) He has been granted a scholarship by the Principal.
(C) He has granted a scholarship by the Principal.
(D) A scholarship was granted to him by the Principal.

5.Before festivals the shops are thronged with men, women and children making various purchases.
(A) During festivals people throng the shops.
(B) Men, women and children throng the shops before festivals making various purchases.
(C) Man, women and children make purchases during festivals.
(D) The shops are thronged by people making purchases.

Answer Key