Exam Review SBI PO mains 31st July 2016


Exam Review SBI PO mains 31st July 2016

Dear Sehpaathians

We are here with the exam review of SBI PO mains exam which was held on today. The exam was levelled from Moderate to hard. Exam Consisted of 155 Questions which were to be solved in 180 minutes. It was followed by a 30 minute descriptive exam which contained 50 marks. Descriptive paper will only be checked if you clear the cutoff in Objective examination. Sectional timers were there in each section.

English was toughest Section of the exam. Syllogism questions were not asked. No Computer Question was there


English Language- Detailed Review:  Total- 35 Q, 40M, 40 Minutes

Difficult Level– Tough

Good Attempts– 18-20

Topics No. of Question
Reading Comprehensions 10 Questions (Difficult)
Antonym Synonyms 7 Questions
Combine the sentences Based Question 5 (2 lines & 3 Lines)
Fill Ups 5 (Based On Passage)

Data Analysis and Interpretation: Total- 35 Q/ 60 Marks/ 45 Minutes

Difficult Level– Moderate-Difficult

Good Attempts– 20-22

Topics No. of Question
Data Interpretation (2 Sets)
Double Pie Chart – 5
Double Line Chart – 5
10 Questions (Moderate)
Probability 3 Questions (Moderate)
Time and Work 3 Questions (Moderate)
Missing DI 5 Questions (Moderate)
Bar Graph (Single) 5 Questions (Moderate)
Quadratic Equation 5 Questions (Moderate)

Financial Awareness Question Sets

Reasoning & Computers -45 Questions/ 60M

Difficult Level– Moderate

Good Attempts– 20-22

Topics No. of Question

2. Puzzle – 10 Qs – 

  1. 7 People belong to different cities & Profession
  2. Sitting Arrangement (10 people sitting north south but 2 seats are vacant)
10 – (Moderate)
Inequality 5 Questions (Easy-Moderate)
Blood Relation-3
Coding- Decoding-2
Logical Reasoning – 15
(Statetement Assumption, Effect- Causes)
10 Questions (Easy to Moderate)
 Computer Aptitude Flow Chart based question


General Awareness Questions About Economy/Banking

A total of 40 Questions were asked in this section with each question consisting of 1 marks. Questions in this section were related to Recent changes in banking, Banking Terminologies, Recent Appointments.

Descriptive Section

Aspirants were asked to Write on one essay and One letter of the 4 topics each available. This section consisted of 50 marks which will be counted only if you clear the cutoff of objective exam


  • Write a letter to your parents to tell them about your success in you job and new life in new city
  • Write a letter as a principal to the parents totellthem about the importance of parents in children’s life
  • Write a letter to the news editor to tell them about the menace of selfie


  • Write an essay on effects of Pokemon Go
  • Write an essay on positive effects of hike in salary of an employee on economy
  • Write an essay o importance of history of Nation