Time Management Tips for SBI Clerk Mains Exam


SBI Clerk 2016 Mains Exam is  scheduled for 2 days – 25th & 26th June 2016. With just 1 day left leading up to the exam, you will need all the help you can get to push you over the finish line. With all of this and other uncertainties, it is important that you don’t lose focus on your SBI Clerk Mains exam preparation. So here are Time Management Tips for SBI Clerk Mains exam. With these Time Management Tips for SBI Clerk Mains Exam and months of hard work, you are sure to ace your exam!

You need to make sure to follow all the rules listed in this article on 5 Time Management Tips for SBI Clerk Mains Exam. Without further ado, here they are:

Be Ready for the SBI Clerk Mains Exam Pattern

Name of Section No of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
General/Financial Awareness 50 50 35 minutes
English Language 40 40 35 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 50 50 45 minutes
Reasoning Ability & Computer Awareness 50 60 45 minutes
Total 190 200 2 hrs 40 minutes

As you may already know by now, the SBI Clerk 2016 Mains Exam is going to have sectional time limits. You may be served the sections in a different order than the one given above, but they will all have a timer. You cannot move to any other section while you are still attempting one section. If you finish a section, you cannot move to the next section till the timer for that section runs out. You cannot return to a previous section either. Now that you are clear about this, let’s get to the actual time management tips for SBI Clerk.

General Awareness & Financial Awareness

You have 35 minutes to attempt 50 questions, each worth 1 mark. You should be able to comfortably attempt all 50 questions if you so choose in the time allotted. But unless you are a genius, please don’t attempt all. Only attempt those questions of which you are sure. You may also attempt those questions whose answers you can be reasonably certain of after eliminating one or two options. But this is a section that will fetch you the most negative marks if you are not careful. This can bring down your overall performance.

Do not spend over half a minute on the General Awareness questions as these will be trivia based. Spend more time on the Financial Awareness questions as they may also test you somewhat on basic concepts and numbers.

English Langauge

You have 35 minutes to solve 40 questions worth 40 marks. Attempt the following types of questions in the following time frames:

  1. Fill in the Blanks/ Error Spotting (Vocabulary) – 4 minutes
  2. Para Jumbles – 4 minutes
  3. Cloze Test – 6 minutes
  4. Error Spotting (Grammar) – 6 minutes
  5. Phrase Replacement (Grammar) – 6 minutes
  6. Reading Comprehension – 9 minutes

If you stick to these time frames, you should be able to attempt all the questions in the English section.

Quantitative Aptitude

You have 45 minutes to solve 50 questions worth 50 marks. You can expect to see 2-4 sets of Data Interpretation questions. This means 10-20 questions will be based on DI alone. You should give about 5 minutes per set.

You will get about 10-15 questions on Simplification. These are easy solves and you should not spend more than 50 seconds per question. Similarly, you will get 5 questions on Number Series. If you take over 50 seconds to solve any question on Number Series, you should just leave it and proceed to the next question. Same thing with Quadratic Equations (5 questions × 50 seconds).

You will now have about 18 minutes to solve 20 word problems. Depending on the difficulty level of the paper, you will need to take a call. You could attempt to solve all the questions giving each question about a minute. But if you feel that the questions set will take more than a minute each, then pick the questions you find easiest, and solve them. Leave the remaining questions.

Reasoning Ability & Computer Awareness

We do not know the exact breakup of the number of questions between Reasoning Ability and Computer Awareness. However, we can be fairly confident that we will see 10-15 questions on Computer Awareness – each worth 1 mark. You will also likely have about 10 questions on Reasoning Ability worth 2 marks each. The rest will all be 1 mark Reasoning questions. You will have 45 minutes to attempt this section.

Another thing we cannot be sure of is whether these will be presented as two separate sections with a common timer, or whether the questions will be mingled. So you may come across Computer questions in the middle of Reasoning questions. But do not worry, the Computer Awareness questions will be easy enough. And you can easily solve each question in under 30 seconds. You will either know the answer or you won’t. You can also reasonably guess at the answers as the options will tell you what the correct answer is.

In Reasoning, you try and solve Coding & Decoding questions first. You will get a maximum of 5 questions. Do not spend more than 3 minutes on the whole set of 5 questions. You will also get 5 questions on Coded Inequalities. Do not spend more than 5 minutes on them all put together.

Attempt questions on Directions & Distances as well as Blood Relations questions next. Do not spend over 5 minutes on them combined. Next attempt Ordering & Ranking questions in 2 minutes. Then go for Syllogisms questions in 3-4 minutes. Spend all the rest of your time solving the puzzles given. If you get stuck on any puzzle, move to the next one. Come back only if you have finished the rest of the section.

We hope these Time Management Tips were useful to you. We are sure you will ace the exam if you follow these tips carefully.