Unique Strategy for IBPS PO Prelims 2016
Hey Friends….
As you all already know that IBPS PO Prelims 2016 is going to be held in the month of October.So, it’s high time to start serious & sincere preparation for it.
First of all you should know that Bank exams are different while compared to other examinations here you need two important components SPEED & ACCURACY to crack bank exams. You need to WORK HARD for exam and you need to ACT SMART in exam that means choosing the easiest questions first to boost your confidence level.
But all you do to Believe in you! You can make it! Through your dedication and hard work you can achieve anything.
How can you prepare for different sections of Prelims Exam:
Quantitative Aptitude has always been the most difficult section in the IBPS PO exam. Most of you may be comfortable in this section but never be over confident which may harm you in exam. If you are weak or average in this section then make a habit of practicing this section on a regular basis. Just plan your schedule to cover all the important topics.
Please try to practice different topics, which are mentioned below –
Number Series, Simplification / Approximation, Quadratic Equation, Pie Chart, Table Chart, Bar Graph, Caselet (Paragraph DI), Line Graph, Mixed Graph, Probability & Data Sufficiency.
Practice 2 sets of Quantitative Aptitude section on a daily basis. After practicing, analyze your score & mistakes which you have made during the practice. This exercise will give you an idea how to approach these topics in exams.
Reasoning at present is the most difficult section in any of the banking exams and we expect it to be the same this time too. Some candidates don’t know how to tackle this section and always start with the first questions or with puzzle type’s questions.
If you are weak or average in this section then make a habit of practicing this section on a regular basis.
Please try to practice different topics such as – Inequality, Syllogism, Puzzles, Input Output, Logical Reasoning, Data Sufficiency, Blood relation, Direction, Ranking, Alphanumeric Series, Coding Decoding.
Many of you are comfortable with Reasoning and Quant section but always face difficulty in attempting English section. If you are weak or average in this section then make a habit of practicing English Questions on a regular basis. Just plan your schedule to cover all the important topics.
Please try to practice different topics,such as Cloze Test, ParaJumbles, Fill in the blanks, Reading Comprehension, Spotting Error, Sentence Improvement