Tips to Solve Syllogism Possibility Case Questions


Tips to Solve Syllogism Possibility Case Questions

Hello Friends,

We have given the Important Concepts and Tips to Solve Syllogism Questions (Possibility Case). Candidates those who are preparing for the examination can use this.

Syllogism – Possibility Case Type Questions:

  • In these types of questions some statements will be given followed by some conclusions that can be verified from the given statements
  • We should ignore the actual meaning of the terms
  • These questions can be solved by using Venn diagrams
  • When there is no exact conclusion for the given statements then possibility case arises
  • If the conclusion is FALSE in one Venn diagram and TRUE in another diagram, then the conclusion is deduced as PARTIALLY TRUE

Example Question:       


Select answer (1) if only conclusion I follow

Select answer (2) if only conclusion II follow

Select answer (3) if either conclusion I or II follows

Select answer (4) if neither conclusion I nor II follows

Select answer (5) if both conclusion I and II follows


Some plants are animals.

All animals are trees.


  1. All animals being plants is a possibility
  2. All plants being trees is a possibility


Consider Statement 1 – Some plants are animals

The Venn diagram of this statement is as follows











Similarly the Venn diagram for Statement 2 – All animals are trees is as follows













Now both Statements I and II has a common term animals, so the overall Venn diagram can be drawn as follows






















Conclusion I: All animals being plants is a possibility

As per Fig.1, the conclusion I is FALSE (only some animals are plants)

As per Fig.2, the conclusion I is FALSE (here also only some animals are plants)

As per Fig.3, the conclusion I is TRUE (all animals are plants)

Hence the Conclusion I is PARTIALLY TRUE which is considered as TRUE

Therefore Conclusion I is TRUE

Similarly, Conclusion IIAll plants being trees is a possibility is considered

As per Fig.1, Conclusion II is FALSE (only some plants are trees)

As per Fig.2, Conclusion II is TRUE (all plants are trees)

As per Fig.3, Conclusion II is FALSE (only some plants are trees)

Hence the Conclusion II is PARTIALLY TRUE which is considered as TRUE

Therefore Conclusion II is TRUE

Therefore the Answer will be (5), both Conclusion I and II follows