Short Tricks for Data Interpretation missing questions

Short Tricks for Data Interpretation

Short Tricks for Data Interpretation

Missing Data Interpretation questions are a common part of almost all competitive examinations nowadays. This is especially true for SBI and IBPS-PO exam. These questions are like any other DI questions but might seem confusing in the first attempt.

So what are missing data interpretation questions? They consist of tabular charts/tables where certain fields are blank. Candidates are required to find the value of these missing blanks and use these values to solve the questions.

Solved Examples with Guidelines of Missing DI questions

These questions are easy to solve provided that the candidates are aware of the correct approach to attempt them. Keeping this view in mind, our experts have devised this article which will assist candidates about the correct approach to use while solving missing data interpretation questions so that they can save their time while answering.

Questions on Data Interpretation

Example 1: Level of Difficulty I


The proportion of male employees and the proportion of post-graduates in a company are given below. The company has a total of 800 employees, 80% of whom are in the production department and the rest equally divided between the marketing and the accounts department.

Marketing 0.60
Account 0.55 0.50
Production 0.55
Total 0.475 0.53

What is the percentage of male employees in the production department?

A) 40%

B) 45%

C)  50%

D)  55%

E)  60%

Total number of male employees in the company= 0.475% of 800= 380
We now have to see how many of these are from Production department.

Number of employess in Production= 80% of 800= 640

Number of employess in Marketing = Number of employess in Marketing = 10% of 800

Number of Male employess in Marketing = 60% of 10% of 800 = 48

Number of Male employess in Accounts = 55% of 10% of 800 = 44

Male employess in Production= 380- (48+44)= 288

Percentage of Male employess in Producion= (288/640)x 100= 45%


This one was easy. Now lets try a more difficult question on missing data interpretation question.


Example 2: Level of Difficulty II

Directions :

A team of 5 players Arpit, Bimal, Chatur, Dinu and Elan participated in a ‘Freaket’ tournament and played four matches (1 to 4). The following table gives partial information about their individual scores and the total runs scored by the team in each match.

Player Match 1 Match 2 Match 3 Match 4
Arpit 100 53
Birbal 88 65 52
Chatur 110
Dinu 72 75 20 56
Elaan 60 78
Total 270 300 240 200


Each column has two values missing. These are the runs scored by the two lowest scorers in that match. None of the two missing values is more than 10% of the total runs scored in that match.

1) What is the maximum possible percentage contribution of Arpit in the total runs scored in the 4 matches?

A) 19.7%

B) 19.9%

C) 20.1%

D) 20.2%

Answer: Option A


Now you have no clue about Arpit’s score in Match 1 and 3. So you must work with estimates and use the statement: None of the two missing values is more than 10% of the total runs scored in that match

Maximum possible runs scored by Arpit in Match-1 = 10% of 270 = 27

Maximum possible runs scored by Arpit in Match-3 = 19

Why is Arpit’s score not 24? Because he has to score less than 3rd lowest scorer = 20)

So, Maximum possible percentage contribution:

(27+100+19+53) / (270+300+240+200) x 100% = 199 / 1010 x 100% = 19.7%


This was easy right…. But only if you are prepared for such calculations because of past practice during preparation and mocks.