Problems encounter during an online test


Problems encounter during an online test


Many of you encounter various problems during an online test.The questions arises will be:

Why many aspirants are unable to finish their online exam?

What is so difficult about the online exam?

Let us discuss all the possible problems that can prevent your way to success in various upcoming online exams. All the problems faced have just one common solution.

Before we go to the solution right away, let’s have a light on the problems occurred:


Not Familiar with the online exam pattern

Many of the aspirants are not familiar to the exam pattern of various online exam as well as unaware with the way of attempting the exam paper. Many of the aspirants thought that just like mobile they can use computer/laptop too but remember both of these are different things. The online exam is conducted on a software built by professionals. Even many of the aspirants, don’t know how to switch between different sections and questions, how to answer it and move to the next or how to mark for review. This consumes a lot of time resulting in questions left unanswered.

Difficulty in going back to the unanswered questions

Aspirants attempting the online exam face difficulty in going back to the questions that they left unanswered/ unmarked. This case arises because online mode is new to them.

Also Read – How to Prepare for LIC AAO Exam in the last 10 days


Many of the aspirants suffer with the anxiety due to the lack of practice. Candidates appearing in online exam are nervous because they don’t know anything about the online exam method. Many of the candidates directly appeared for the online exam and sometimes feel nervous or over excited. You can Avoid this by staying calm and preparing properly for the exam.

Slow in marking the answersAcbjL9g9i

Candidates fall short in speed for marking the answer and moving on to the next question. They also face difficulty in skipping the questions and jumping to the question from topics that they wish to answer.

Declination of Online exam Speed

There is a considerable fall in the speed of reading and solving the examination because the candidates are not comfortable with reading and answering online. They made their preparations by the conventional methods of learning and practicing from the books. There is a lot of copying required while solving data interpretation questions, no option to underline or make notes while solving reading comprehensions and overall reading speed also decreases.

Good to read – Few Tips to excel in LIC AAO Exam

magnifying glass and some text (solution)

The only solution to all the troubles faced in answering an online examination will be

  • With very little time left to prepare, practice online as much as you can.
  • Online practice provides you exam-like environment and practicing on it makes you familiar to the examination pattern.
  • Taking full length tests improve your speed and accuracy for solving the paper such as SAMPLE PAPER FOR LIC AAOSample Paper of Railway Recruitment Board