Exam review of IBPS PO 2016 Mains


Exam review of IBPS PO 2016 Mains 

IBPS today conducted the 1st session of IBPS PO 2016 mains exam. IBPS has shortlisted a total of around 1.2 lac candidates for the mains exam. Paper consisted of 200 questions which were to be solved in 140 minutes. Section timer was there in the exam.

We are here with the section wise review of the exam

Quant And DI (50 Questions):

The level of this section was difficult. Average attempt was 17-20 questions

Topic Number of Questions
Series 5
inquality 5
Approximation 5
Data Interpretation 20
Misc (SI, Profit and Loss etc) 15


Reasoning (50 Questions):

The level of this section was ModerateAverage attempt was 16-19 questions

Topic Number of Questions
Syllogism 5
Seating Arrangement 10
Coding-Decoding 5
Logical 10
Data Sufficiency 05
Miscellaneous (Ranking / Direction) 05

English (40 Questions):

The level of this section was difficult. Average attempt was 15-17 questions

Topic Number of Questions
Reading Comprehension 20
Sentence Fillers 5
Parajumbles 5
Errors 5
Antonym/ Synonym 5

General Awareness (40 Questions):

The level of this section was Easy- difficult based on the knowledge of questions you had Average attempt was 17-20 questions. Candidates who had gone through the current affairs of past 3 months were able to solve many questions. There were 13-15 questions related to banking also.

Computer Awareness (20 Questions)

For Engineering graduates this is the most scoring section. Basic computer questions were asked here.

Kindly Give us your review about the exam