Opposite Word in English Vocabulary

opposite word in english

Opposite Word in English Vocabulary



Hello Sehpaathians,

Finding most similar meaning and opposite word in english is one of the important and expected type of questions in the English Section, it will be asked based on the passage that asked in the Reading Comprehension. Here we have given some important tips to find the Opposite Meaning Words.

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An antonym is a word which has the opposite meaning of the given word. Let us see some tips to crack this part.


  • Note that the given word and the answer must belong to the same parts of speech.

Pragmatic:          a) Angry                     b) quixotic                  c) colourful                 d) pungent

The word Pragmatic is an adje-ctive. Out of the given options the word which is opposite in meaning and belonging to the same parts of speech is quixotic. The correct answer is b.


  • The given word and the answer must belong to the same tense form.

Perceived:          a) Ignored                  b) created                  c) apprehend             d) conceive

Here the alternatives apprehend and conceive are in the present tense and thus they can be rejected. Ignored gives an opposite meaning and it is also in the past tense as the word Perceived is. Thus, the correct answer is a.


  • Make sure that the given word and the answer are in the same voice.

Contraction:       a) Reduction               b) increase            c) decrease             d) expansive

A favourite trick as we have seen with the synonyms is in the alternatives given a synonym may be given to confuse the candidates.The word Contraction is a noun in active voice. The alternative reduction is similar. The option b is in passive voice. Thus all the three alternatives are incorrect. The word increase is a noun and is in active voice. The correct answer is b.

Venerate:            a) Respect                 b) condemn               c) inculcate                d) initiate

The alternative ‘a’ respect is a synonym. One needs to be alert in such cases. The correct option here is b.

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1. What are the 10 examples of opposites?

Certainly! Here are ten pairs of opposites:

  1. Hot – Cold
  2. Light – Dark
  3. Up – Down
  4. Happy – Sad
  5. Fast – Slow
  6. Good – Bad
  7. Big – Small
  8. Day – Night
  9. High – Low
  10. Love – Hate

2. What English word means opposite word?

The English word that means the opposite of another word is “antonym.” An antonym is a word that has a contrasting meaning to another word, often used to express the opposite concept or idea. For example, “hot” is an antonym of “cold,” and “happy” is an antonym of “sad.”

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