Common Mistakes while Preparing For Banking Examinations


Common Mistakes while Preparing For Banking Examinations

Dear Aspirants,
After interviewing many candidates and solving there problem we have encountered a few mistakes most aspirants make while preparing for Banking Examinations and other examinations. Here are the mistakes probably every aspirant mistakes which later results in failed attempt:

Promotion policies public sector banks

Before we begin we need to understand that banking exam carries 200 questions from different categories including quant and DI, reasoning, english, General awareness, Computer Awareness and Banking Awareness. We need to improve ourself in all these sections to booster our performance in the main examination.

What are the Frequent Mistakes done by aspirants preparing for Banking Examinations.

  • We have come across facts that for many candidates General awareness and computer Awareness sections are the big worry. In this worry they usually become over-confident in other sections and loose a lot of marks there.
  • lack of Continuity: There is a lack of continuity among candidates. The level of seriousness is not proper. They don’t judiciously allocate time for their sectional preparation. In Some cases even if they allot they don’t follow them. They follow a chalta hai, kal kar lenge attitude in which proper preparation is hampered.
  • Most candidates try to learn all the chapters in every section: Suppose if a candidate is preparing for quant he will try to do all the chapters there including speed maths, probability, permutation and combination, trigonometry, geometry based questions etc. In this haste the topics which carry more marks in banking examination are missed or left less prepared. Try to make your list of preparation to limited topics, but prepare it fully. Keep in mind in a banking exam you can not do 200 questions in 120 minutes. Your average attempt in every section will be 70-80% is the paper is simple, 60-70% if paper is moderate and below 50% if the paper is difficult. So note down the important points and prepare them fully.
  • Know the pattern of General awareness: Most candidates keep on mugging up old current affairs for banking exams. But in banking exams General awareness is usually restricted to past 6 months current affairs. Read current affairs and try to memorize. For banking awareness you need to know the basics of banking, key rates, etc. For computer awareness you need to know basics of computer, some knowledge of database, ms office, keyboard shortcuts etc.
  • Be calm, composite, confident and concentrate. You are preparing well.
  • Stop comparing your preparation to others. 2 different people have different set of minds and ability. Both have strengths and weakness.
  • Follow the way of study which suits you. For some people studying alone is beneficial and for some group study is beneficial. Choose the way which suits you.
  • Keep on sharing and spreading your knowledge. This increases your accuracy count.
  • Practice frequently asked questions in banks well. It will be your speed and accuracy that will matter in the main examination.
  • Try to minimize your errors. Remedies like practice and short tricks can help you.

Perfection Always starts with Mistakes

I hope the above points lie in line with the mistakes done by aspirants. Do write to us if you need any help. Sehpaathi is always happy to help.

Sudeep Gangal