Changed levels and Patterns of Bank Exams


Changed levels and Patterns of Bank Exams

Dear Banking Aspirants,

As all of you are preparing for the battle of SBI PO, SBI Clerk, IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, RRB Scale-1, RRB Clerk, NIACL Exam, LIC AAO Exam and host of other exams that will be held in 2017.So for your reference we are here with an article about changes levels and patterns of Bank exams.

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In 2016, we saw a wide change in the way the questions were designed for the exams. The RANGE of the questions was expanded. All of a sudden, short-cuts stopped mattering and those who had their BASICS clear qualified.

The new pattern appeared in the main exam. However, in the preliminary exam, the old pattern was retained.

The so-called “new pattern” is not new. It is the old pattern with a new range of questions. It was observed that when the candidates saw the exam, they lost hope without even reading the questions thoroughly.

The subjects are Reasoning, English, Mathematics, General Awareness & Computer knowledge.

  • Reasoning: Start solving puzzle related questions (arrangement included) as many as you can because solving a puzzle improves your ability to reason. This will help you solve questions from other topics easily. Study Syllogism, coding-decoding, direction, blood relations (especially in the puzzles) to name a few.

First clear your basics thoroughly and then Study new range of questions which we are providing you in the form of quizzes.

  • English : Develop a reading habit. Our advice- Read, read, and read. Read articles on economy, agriculture, global warming, greenhouse effect, psychology, education, pollution, globalization, technology, International relations etc. along with that, it would be great if you can write that in your own words too.

Study grammar with an interest.

This will help you decode the new pattern. (Odd one out, fill in the blanks, sentence completion, passage, synonyms, antonyms, and forming compound and complex sentences etc.)

English is a language. Be prepared to take pains to improve it. Don’t think it’ll come on its own. It will constantly check your level of patience.

  • Quantitative Aptitude: Improve your speed of calculation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentage value, average, squares, cubes). Learn the tables till 20 at least. Learn to solve all types of DI questions. Solve arithmetic questions. We take great pains in preparing the quizzes for you so that you can practice. Keep solving them on a regular basis.
  • General Awareness: Read newspapers every day. Note down everything. Revise it weekly. Solve our quizzes. this will work wonders for you, if you do it on a regular basis.
  • Computer knowledge: Solve practice sets as many as you can. Get a book if you are new to it. Keep solving the quizzes that we post.

While taking the exam, don’t waste even one second. That can cost you a lot. Therefore, it is imperative that you get into that mode which is completely different from the way we live our lives. Either solve or don’t, decide and go to the next question immediately. Don’t get stuck. Solve easy ones first.

All the best….