Bank of Maharashtra – Clerical Exam Review


Bank of Maharashtra – Clerical Exam Review

BOM (Bank of Maharashtra) Exam had started from 26th October 2016. The Clerk set of the exam is scheduled today. We are now going to provide you the analysis of the exam.

The selection will be made on the basis of performance in the order of merit in Online Test. The final selection will be based on the category wise merit in written test and subject to other eligibility criteria.

Over-all Analysis

Subject Good Attempt Time
English Language  33-35  25 min.
Reasoning Ability  32-36  35 min.
Quantitative Aptitude  34-37  35 min.
General Awareness 32- 34  25 min.
 160-170 120 Minutes


Reasoning : Level (Easy to Moderate) – Total Qs – 50

1. Floor Puzzle –  5Qs

2. Circular Seating Arrangement – 5 Qs

3. Inequality (direct)- 5 Qs (Easy)

4. Data Sufficiency – 5 Qs (Moderate)

5. Syllogism – 5 Qs 

6. Coding Decoding  – 5 Qs

7. Blood Relation – 5 Qs

8. Distance & Direction – 5 Qs

9. Rest Miscellaneous


English Language : Level (Easy to Moderate) – Total Qs – 50

1. Reading Comprehension  – 10 Qs (Esay)

Note: 5 antonyms synonyms

2. Cloze Test – 10 Qs (Esay)

3. Parajumble – 5 Qs (Esay)

4. Fill in the blanks – 5 Qs (Esay)

5.  Spelling Mistakes – 5 Qs (Moderate)

6. Spotting Error – 10 Qs (Moderate)


Quantitative Aptitude : Level (Moderate to Tough)- Total Qs – 50

1. DI  – Table Chart DI-  5 Qs 

2. Simplification  – 15 Qs (Easy)

3. Number Series – 5 Qs (Moderate)

4. Rest Miscellaneous

Note: No quadratic Equations questions were asked


General Awareness: Level (Moderate) – Total Qs – 50

Mostly questions was asked from Current Affairs & Static GK.