How to Recover Lost RRB Registration Number


How to Recover Lost RRB Registration Number



Railway Recruitment Board has already released the admit card for RRB NTPC recruitment examination 2016. But a number of candidates are trying to Recover RRB Registration Number or Recover RRB Application ID because of a reason that they Lost their Registration No. and now they are trying to Recover Application No. of RRB and searching for this. Your search will be stop here because here we will tell you about how you can recover the Registration Number of Railway Recruitment Board Examination 2016. We are providing some steps which help you can check your RRB application ID. For this candidates must carry the mobile number and their e-mail login panel. If any aspirants lost their Application ID of RRB OR lost registration number of RRB can follow the below steps for recover their application ID.

Recover your Forgotten RRB Railway Exam Registration ID:

  • By Using your Mobile Number
  • By Using your E-mail ID
  • By Using RRB Helpline Number and RRB Helpline Desk


By Using your Mobile Number:

The candidates who lost their registration ID can recover it by their mobile. Because when the candidates applied for RRB and submit their Application then the RRB send an SMS to the candidate’s mobile number which entered by candidates in application form. So if you know the date (which date you applied for RRB) then you can easily recover your RRB Registration Number.

Capsule for Railway Exam

By Using your E-Mail ID:

Aspirants who are unable to recover the Registration ID of RRB Recruitment Exam can get recovery by their E-mail ID. For Recover login id of RRB exam you can follow below steps.

  • Open your E-mail ID (which you was entered in your application form).
  • Open Inbox.
  • Then Enter “RRB Online” OR “RRB” OR “RRB online Registration” in search box (it will show on the top).
  • Click on search.
  • Then you will see the result “RRB Online Registration”
  • Click on this and check your Registration No.

If you deleted your mails form inbox then you can open the trash folder and search in trash folder may be you can find the RRBs mails. 

You must Check RRB mail in Inbox, Spam and Trash Folder in your Email ID.


Process to Change RRB NTPC Exam centre


By Using RRB Helpline Number:

When you will unsuccessful “Recover my RRB Registration No.” then you can use this step. In this you can call to your RRB zone help line number or send a mail at RRB helpdesk. We are providing the email ID which you can use to  get your Railway Exam Registration No. for download your admit card.

RRB Helpline E-mail for Get Registration No. of RRB:

You can also visit Official website of Railway Board and click on a link provided their “Forgot Registration Number”. Fill all the necessary information asked their at the time of registering and click on “SUBMIT”.

If all the information you entered are correct, a message “Your Registration number has been sent on your mobile number and email id” will be displayed.

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Admit cards of RRB NTPC
Sample Paper of Railway Recruitment Board
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